About WelcomeWell this is my ongoing attempt at a web site. I decided that to learn HTML and webmastering that the way to go was not a WYSIWYG editor. Sooooooo I first went out and got BBedit 7.0. From all reports it was a great HTML editor package. So far, I agree, it doesn't suck. I currently use BBEdit 10.1.2 and still love it. The multiple pages are so that if some of my relatives want to add their own pages to this site, that it is set up for their easy inclusion. This site was made on a Macintosh OS-X computer, so all the programs mentioned relate to that OS. Most of the features in the site also link back to information or the site where I got the freeware or shareware. One of the programs that I use a lot to optimize graphics is GraphicConverter. This program can open almost any picture format and then save in almost any other picture format. It's shareware and I highly recommend it, and yes I'm a registered user. If you use it and it does the job, pay the shareware fee, we all get better tools that way. It can be found here. A few items, like the art Text3 can be found here. For more links regarding HTML and web site construction see the Links |